CTO as a service
CTO as a service is a novice practice that helps startups find their way on the market. If you have an exciting idea for a product but lack the experience and knowledge to see it through, a seasoned technical leader will walk you through the whole process. Especially if your business is expanding and requiring new managerial talents with years of experience.

CTO stands for Chief Technology Officer and represents someone who manages and oversees both the technical team and the R&D department. CTO’s skills, experience, and in-depth knowledge help young companies to achieve business goals and avoid common pitfalls.

CTO as a Service (CaaS) Benefits

  • Building the strategy and product roadmap will help you achieve the company’s objectives based on the market situation and resources at hand.
  • Avoiding mistakes due to efficient strategy and architecture, know-how, and strong leadership. Although filling a position of a CTO can be quite costly, look at it as an investment that will take your business to a new level. 
  • Hiring the creme de la creme of software development based on the CTO’s former experience. A knowledgeable technical leader knows how to distinguish between a mediocre and great tech worker and will help you to build the dream team.
  • Unlocking the hidden growth potential at your company. A professional CTO will thoroughly assess the opportunities and risks and help you take advantage of the discovered potential.

Why Should You Consider CaaS?

There is no significant difference between CaaS and full-time CTO responsibilities. Both accompany technical teams throughout the entire software development lifecycle, take care of strategizing, budgeting, and focusing on the big picture. Both full-time and part-time CTOs aim to streamline the processes, select the right tech stack and team members, and strive to deliver a high-quality product.

However, full-time CTOs will cost you a lot more money as well as bring knowledge that is limited to their experience. A CaaS is a service that SeniorDev offers and it includes the combined expertise of our staff. This way, you will pay only for the hours you need and get access to a group of experts who have worked on many projects from different industries. This collective knowledge will help you get a perspective on every part of the process and ensure that all your bases are covered with first-hand knowledge.

When Should You Consider CaaS?

Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do you have an exciting idea for a software product but lack the skills and know-how to pursue it?
  • Do you have a ready product but would like to improve the design and make it more feature-rich?
  • Do you need an expert who will help you find the right investors and make sure the pitch goes flawlessly?
  • Finally, do you need a flexible technical leader who will serve only several hours per week?
SeniorDev has over 35 technical experts from various industries who are ready to take your idea to completion. We will find you a tech leader who sharess your corporate culture and fits into your business as well as brings the expertise of the entire SeniorDev team.
If you have any questions about building your digital product, please contact us!
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